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Where is Epiphany? How do I get there?

Epiphany is located at 790 S. Corona St., just one block west of Washington Park in the heart of Denver. If you drive, you can exit at Alameda, Lincoln/Broadway, or Downing from I-25. We are served by the number 12 South Downing bus (stop is about 2 blocks away at Exposition Ave. and the park), and we are about 8 blocks from the Louisiana/Pearl Light Rail Station. Parking is ample on the streets surrounding the church, and we have a limited number of spaces off the alley that we ask be used by those less-able to walk from street spaces. Click here to open a map in a new window.

How should I dress?

However you wish. You'll see everything from suits to shorts at Epiphany, usually in the same pew. Relax: We're not judging you based on how you look. We’re not judging you at all!

How many people attend worship?

On Sunday mornings, we usually have between 30 and 50 folks in worship. On Wednesdays, the crowd is much more intimate; with anywhere from 5-15 in attendance. The age range here is wide; from newborns to folks in their nineties and everything in between.

Can I come up for communion?

You bet. We welcome all people at our table. We believe that God is truly present in the bread and wine in a totally mysterious way that is bigger than any of us. We welcome children of all ages at the table. If you are for whatever reason not sure you wish to commune (after all, it's a pretty intimate act!), know that choice is yours.

What will happen at worship?

We'll sing and gather. We'll pray. We'll confess that we aren't perfect and need God's love. We'll receive forgiveness and strength to move ahead. We'll read scripture. A message is given reflecting on those scriptures for our lives in the here and now. And almost always, we'll gather to share the communion meal. Sometimes, we're solemn. Sometimes we celebrate more loudly. Sometimes we get sprinkled with water to remember baptism, light candles in the sand cross, or are anointed with oil and prayers for wholeness in our lives. Whatever is happening that day, you are welcome to participate in as much or as little as you feel moved. Oh, and we move. We sit, stand, and kneel. We think worship is about our whole being: body included. If you are less able to move about, don't fret: All the postures of worship are optional!

What about my kids, they can be noisy...

Of course they can be noisy, they're kids. We welcome everyone, including young children, in worship. We have grab bags with activities in them at the back of the sanctuary; just ask. And if they really are too wiggly for the pew, we have a space in the conference room with toys and you can still see and hear what's happening. And almost every service has a special time just for kids. The sounds of children are the sounds of life.

Can we talk?

Of course. If you have general questions, talk to anyone sitting near you in worship. If you want to talk to the pastor about anything, just call (303-722-5311) or e-mail (epiphanylutherandenver@gmail.com) for an appointment. Your questions and concerns and joys matter to us!