Office Hours - Contact Info - Worship Times - Staff

Epiphany Lutheran Church, 790 S. Corona St., Denver, CO 80209 ► 303‐722‐5311
Office Hours: Monday: 9:30am to Noon and Thursday: Noon to 3pm ► Closed all other times except for Worship ► e‐mail:
► Sunday @ 10:00 am ► Wednesday @ 6pm Bible Study and 6:30 pm Worship

Pastoral Care

As of January 2023, the Epiphany community is looking for a new full-time pastor. Until then, member and retired pastor Norma Cooper is serving as our interim pastor. 

Church Council and Financial Team

Volunteers all, they help make the big decisions and set the direction for ministry in this place. Elected to the 2018-2019 Council are:

Marianne Molberg - President

Norma Cooper - Vice-President

Tanner Ehmke - Treasurer

Bryan Anderson - Secretary

Leonard “Mo” Molberg

Rory Clawson - Financial Secretary (non-council position)

The Christian church is, properly speaking, nothing more than the assembly of all believers and saints...

The Augsburg Confession
Article VII